Beit held "Youth Power in the Fight against COVID-19" May 4th Youth Day Special Activity and the 9th "Youth Festival"

  在习近平总书记纪念五四运动100周年重要讲话发表一周年之际,4月29日,The Youth League Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology, the Youth League Committee of Tieyi Middle School in Xi 'an, Shaanxi Province, the Youth League Committee of Xi 'an Gaoxin No. 1 Middle School, and the Youth League Committee of Shijiazhuang No. 2 Middle School in Hebei Province jointly organized the May 4th Youth Day special activity。Bao Liying, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the school, persons in charge of relevant units, representatives of league cadres, representatives of teachers and students who stayed at school during the epidemic, representatives of the ninth "Youth North Li" annual model representatives, and representatives of teachers and students of three middle schools gathered in the "Cloud",共同学习习近平总书记关于青年成长的系列重要讲话和回信精神,Welcome May 4th Youth Day。

  Beijing Institute of Technology has held the "Youth Festival" for 9 consecutive years on the May 4th Youth Day to select and commend the annual role model (team)。To select trees, publicize, and commend a group of advanced young people who are "ambitious, bright and virtuous, innovative and inclusive, and responsible for The Times" in the whole school,Give play to the exemplary role of youth role models,Lead the whole school students to learn and inherit the spirit of May 4th,Take on the mission and responsibility of the youth of the new era,This year, a total of 34 school-level role models (teams) were selected,13 role models (team) of the year。The event released the "youth role model" micro documentary, Bao Liying for the annual role model team "flying Eagle" team, robot team, National Day simulation team, "medium but more" team awards。

  会上,Song Tao, member of "Yanhe Youth Propaganda Group", representative of youth model team and young teacher of Astronautics Academy,Zhang Qihang, an undergraduate student of the College of Machinery and Vehicles,Quan Kun, a volunteer role model and master's student in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Shao Long, an entrepreneurial practice model and a doctoral student in the College of Optoelectronics, respectively told the youth story of the "Flying Eagle team" winning the international drone competition, learning and growing during the epidemic, participating in Wuhan epidemic prevention and control volunteer service, science and technology war "epidemic", and innovation to serve the country。The School of Machinery and Vehicle, the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, and Qiushi College organized special theme day activities for the remaining students at the two campuses to sing the voice of patriotism and express their aspirations to serve the country。

The picture shows teachers and students of Xi 'an Gaoxin No. 1 Middle School participating in Joint learning activities (left) and students of Xi 'an Tieyi Middle School participating in joint learning activities (right)

  In the "Important Speech and Reply Spirit of College and Secondary School Joint Study" section, representatives of teachers and students from Xi 'an Tieyi Middle School, Gaoxin No. 1 Middle School, and Shijiazhuang No. 2 Middle School, Hebei demonstrated the style of young teachers and students in the fight against the "epidemic" through speeches, poetry recitations, and excellent deeds reports。

  包丽颖与青年师生共同回顾了五四运动的光辉历史,重温了习近平总书记关于青年成长的系列重要讲话精神,讲述了一代代冰球突破官网人在五四精神、爱国主义精神指引下的接续奋斗,并提出四点希望。一是坚定理想信念、厚植家国情怀,要与以习近平同志为核心的党中央同心同路,坚定“四个自信”,凝聚实现民族复兴中国梦的强大精神力量。The second is to maintain strong resolve, increase confidence in winning, continue to work together, and strengthen confidence in winning the people's war, the general war, and the interdiction war against the epidemic。Third, cherish the learning time, practice excellent skills, and transform patriotic feelings into solid actions to serve the country, improve the ability to serve the people and build the country。The fourth is to temper the quality of the will and the responsibility of the mission, to learn the needs of the country, to understand the urgent needs of the country, and to make contributions in the places where the Party and the people need them most。

  Since early April,School of Machinery and Vehicle, School of Information and Electronics, School of Automation, School of Computing, and School of Materials have organized more than 10 key middle schools in Hubei, Tianjin, Hebei, Shaanxi and other provinces and cities to organize life, youth story, patriotic song singing, social practice and other activities,It was well received。Next stage,Beit will improve the education model of "One heart and one road", "the same direction and the same frequency resonance" and the long-term mechanism of "learning, thinking and practicing enlightenment" in the theme education activities of "I have my mission in the shoulder and struggle" and "New people in the era of rejuvenation" (the third phase),We will continue to give play to the role of joint learning, joint speaking, joint singing and joint action at all levels,进一步引导青年学生做习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的学习者、践行者、传播者。